Anu Suomalainen Wartiovaara
Forskningsprogrammet för molekylär neurologi
Haartmansgatan 8
00290 Helsingfors
anu.wartiovaara [at]
09-471 71965
- link list of different bioinformatics tools on the web, from primer design to protein structure prediction
- EBI's tool box, containing of list of different bioinfo tools
- BMC search launcher, contains bioninfo tools
- Sanger institute
- Pasteur institute
- Bioinformatics Canada
- Prot mw, determines molecular weight
- ExPasy, list of different proteomics tools
- Protein localization prediction:
- Proligo
- Primer 3
- Oligoanalyzer, useful for primer design
- In-silico, In silico simulation of molecular biology experiments
- ClustaIW
- ClustaIW Embi
- B oxshade, tool for Printing and Shading of Multiple-Alignment files
- NEBcutter, tool for finding restriction enzymes
- Assembler, tool to make sequence contics
- Multi Alin, multiple sequence alignment
- Sequencher
- SeqLab
- si-RNA prediction in Whitehead institutet
- Flybrain, database for Drosophila nervous system
- Zebrafish
- Mouse atlas
- C Elegans
- Saccharomyces pombe
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Mouse genomics, biology
- Jackson laboratories, mouse phenotypes strains