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University of Helsinki

Hautaniemi Lab

Laboratory information:

Contact information:

Sampsa Hautaniemi
Biomedicum Helsinki, B524b
P.O.Box 63 (Haartmaninkatu 8)
phone +358 9 191 25419
fax +358 9 191 25610



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The focus of research in the Hautaniemi lab is to analyze complex biological systems using systems biology approach. Systems biology research is an interdisciplinary effort to gain understanding of the function and control of biological processes using mathematical methods and statistical experimental design principles. The central theme of our research is to produce reliable, experimentally testable biomedical predictions and suggest novel directions for future experiments.

We are interested in developing methods to integrate data from various sources (genetic, gene expression, protein activations, phenotypes, etc.). We are also developing bioinformatics tools to link the results from our analyses to biomedical databases and result in robust predictions that can be tested experimentally.

Another main thrust is to construct and analyze dynamic mathematical models for signaling transduction pathways and suggest targets for effective therapeutic interventions, study the effects of perturbations on the pathways, and eventually translate the acquired information to diagnostics and therapeutics.

Hautaniemi lab is a member of the Finnish Center of Excellence in Cancer Genetics Research 2012-2017.

For any bioinformatics related issues, see also the Bioinfomatics helpdesk website.