Anduril (ANalysis of Data Using Rapid Integration of aLgorithms) is an open source component-based workflow framework for systematic, flexible and efficient scientific data analysis, particularly in the field of high-throughput experiments in biomedical research. It includes components for expression, SNP, ChIP-seq and exon microarray analysis.
[software] [abstract]
CANGES (Candidate Genes and SNPs) is a systematic data integration method that links SNP and linkage disequilibrium data to pathway- and protein-protein interaction information. It can be used as a knowledge discovery tool for the search of disease associated causative variants from genome-wide studies as well as to generate new hypotheses on synergistically functioning genes.
[software] [abstract]
CNAmet is an algorithm and R package that facilitates the integration of copy number, methylation and expression data. In addition to the CNAmet algorithm, our R package includes the S2N algorithm for the integration of copy number to expression data.
[software] [abstract]
CohortComparator is a SNP data analysis tool that can be used to identity candidate genes for recessive genotypes.
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Csbl.go is an R package for computing semantic similarity between genes using Gene Ontology annotation and for clustering genes based on the similarity measures. The package also includes GO enrichment analysis functionality.
[software] [abstract]
FlowAnd is designed to analyze and integrate largescale, multi-color flow cytometry data. It implements methods for data importing, various transformations, several clustering algorithms for automatic clustering, visualization tools as well as straightforward statistical testing.
[sofware] [abstract]
MEAP (Multiple Exon Array Preprocessing) is an R package for large-scale exon
array data analysis.It includes a novel algorithm (PM-BayesBG) to estimate sequence-based
backgrounds that allows more reliable expression estimation than the existing background correction methods. MEAP also contains algorithms for generating robust expression estimates at exon, alternatively spliced variant and gene levels that facilitates the quantitative analysis of alternative spliced variants in the whole transcriptome.
Moksiskaan is a generic database that can be used to integrate information about the connections between genes, proteins, pathways, drugs, and other biological entities. Moksiskaan provides various pathway components for Anduril and may be used to extends its capabilities.
[software] [abstract]
phoMSVal is an open-source platform developed for managing MS/MS data and automatically validating identified phosphopeptides. phoMSVal imports data into a MySQL relational database, extracts features for classification, and assigns a classification label to each spectrum designating whether the given peptide assignment is likely to be correct. The classifier used is a random forest classifier with an input of ten features calculated from the spectra.
[software] [abstract]
PINA is an integrated platform for protein-protein interaction network construction, filtering, analysis, visualization and management.
[software] [abstract]