Research Group Principal Investigator

    Petteri Arstila, MD, PhD

    Haartman Institute
    Department of Bacteriology and Immunology, Room B329
    P.O. Box 21, Haartmaninkatu 3 00014 University of Helsinki

    Tel: +358 2941 26892
    Email: petteri.arstila [at]

Contact Information

Postal Address
Immunobiology Research Program
P.O.Box 21, Haartmaninkatu 3
FI-00014 University of Helsinki

Visiting Address
Haartman Institute
Haartmaninkatu 3
00290 Helsinki

Tel. +358 2941 1911 (tel. exchange)
Fax + 358 2941 26382
Email name.lastname [at]

Arstila Group - Selected publications

Stock Image - Papers

Laakso SM, Kekäläinen E, Heikkilä N, Mannerström H, Kisand K, Peterson P, Ranki A, Arstila TP. In vivo analysis of helper T cell responses in patients with autoimmune polyendocrinopathy - candidiasis - ectodermal dystrophy provides evidence in support of an IL-22 defect. Autoimmunity. 2014 Jun 24:1-7. [Epub ahead of print]

Koivula TT, Tuulasvaara A, Hetemäki I, Mäkelä SM, Mustonen J, Sironen T, Vaheri A, Arstila TP. Regulatory T cell response correlates with the severity of human hantavirus infection. J Infect. 2014 68:387-94.

Arstila TP, Jarva H. Human APECED; a Sick Thymus Syndrome? Front Immunol. 2013 Oct 7;4:313. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2013.00313. Review.

Laakso SM, Kekäläinen E, Rossi LH, Laurinolli TT, Mannerström H, Heikkilä N, Lehtoviita A, Perheentupa J, Jarva H, Arstila TP. IL-7 dysregulation and loss of CD8+ T cell homeostasis in the monogenic human disease autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy. J Immunol. 2011; 187:2023-30

Kekäläinen E, Lehto MK, Smeds E, Miettinen A, Meri S, Jarva H, Arstila TP. Defective central tolerance in Aire-deficient mice is not sufficient to induce symptomatic autoimmunity during lymphopenia-induced T cell proliferation. Scand J Immunol. 2011 74:71-9.

Tuovinen H, Kekäläinen E, Rossi LH, Puntila J, Arstila TP. 2008. Cutting edge: Human CD4-CD8- thymocytes express FOXP3 in the absence of a T cell receptor. J. Immunol. 180: 3651-3654.

Tuuminen T, Kekäläinen E, Mäkelä S, Ala-Houhala I, Ennis FA, Hedman K, Mustonen J, Vaheri A, Arstila TP. 2007. Human CD8+ T cell memory generation in Puumala hantavirus infection occurs after the acute phase and is associated with boosting of EBV-specific CD8+ memory T cells. J. Immunol. 179:1988-95.

Kekäläinen E, Tuovinen H, Joensuu J, Gylling M, Franssila R, Pöntynen N, Talvensaari K, Perheentupa J, Miettinen A, Arstila TP. 2007. A defect of regulatory T cells in patients with autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy (APECED). J. Immunol. 178:1208-1215.

Tuovinen H, Salminen J, Arstila TP. 2006. Most human thymic and peripheral blood CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells express two T cell receptors. Blood. 108:4063-4070.

Baron V, Cumano A, Lim A, Arstila TP, Kourilsky P, Ferradini L, Pannetier C. 2003. The repertoires of circulating human CD8+ central and effector memory T cell subsets are largely distinct. Immunity 18:193-204.

Van Epps HL, Terajima M, Mustonen J, Arstila TP, Corey EA, Vaheri A, Ennis FA. 2002. Human T lymphocyte responses to an acute viral infection: hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome. J. Exp. Med. 196:579-588.