Scientific articles
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Send your text to marikki.laiho at helsinki.fi by the end of each month.
Stories to be evaluated by CoE PI's - best wins 50 €. All will be published!
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- CoE in Cancer Biology now in the University sciencenews! A stem cell type supposed to be crucial for angiogenesis and cancer growth does not exist?
More about the research in news and events (Salven site). The publication: Purhonen S., Palm J., Rossi D., Kaskenpää, N., Rajantie I., Ylä-Herttuala S., Alitalo K., Weissman I.L.,
and Salven P. Bone marrow-derived circulating endothelial precursors do not contribute to vascular endothelium and are not needed for tumor growth.P Natl Acad Sci USA
Read the article.
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